手腕及手肘復康運動 1

  Wrist and Elbow Rehabilitation 1

Wrist Extension Stretch
1. Hold wrist as shown(如圖握腕)
2. Bend the wrist until you feel a stretch(屈腕至感到拉緊)
3. Hold for 8 to 10 seconds(維持8至10秒)
4. Repeat this stretch 10 times(重複10次)





Wrist Flexion Stretch
1. Hold wrist as shown(如圖握腕)
2. Bend the wrist until you feel a stretch(屈腕至感到拉緊)
3. Hold for 8 to 10 seconds(維持8至10秒)
4. Repeat this stretch 10 times(重複10次)






Wrist Extension
1. Sit with arm supported as shown( 如圖支托手臂在桌上)
2. Hold____ lb weight in hand(手握重物)
3. Curl wrist slowly upward(向上慢慢捲起手腕關節)
4. Hold for 8 to 10 seconds, then lower slowly(維持8至10秒後再慢慢放低)
5. Complete exercise for 3 sets of 10 repetitions(每次做 3 組,每組運動重複10次)


